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Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an appointment with your OISS advisor.  Advisors are assigned as follows:

Surnames/Family Names beginning with:

A, B, C, D, E, F: Ya (Haylee) Zhou
G, H, I, J, K: Ryan Radebaugh   
L, M: Danielle Vogel
P: Kyounghee Lee
N, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V:  Qianying (Chainey) Gao
W, X, Y, Z​: Samantha Sodetz    
GLO and NU-Q exchange students:
  Danielle Vogel

Kellogg Full-Time 1Y and 2Y MBA, MMM, MSMS, MBAi, EMBA, and Exchange Programs: Stephanie Cisneros or Rachel Giedris



Stephanie Cisneros |
Assistant Director of International Student Services


Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising: Kellogg Full-Time 1Y and 2Y MBA, MMM, MSMS,
MBAi, EMBA, and Exchange Programs

Request an appointment

Rachel Giedris | Senior International Student Advisor

Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising: Kellogg Full-Time 1Y and 2Y MBA, MMM, MSMS,
MBAi, EMBA, and Exchange Programs

Request an appointment

Ya (Haylee) Zhou | International Student Advisor

Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising:  Surnames/Family Names A, B, C, D, E, F

Request an appointment
Ryan Radebaugh

Ryan Radebaugh | International Student Advisor

Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising: Surnames/Family Names G, H, I, J, K

Request an appointment

Danielle Vogel | Senior International Student Advisor

Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising: Surnames/Family Names L, M / GLO and NU-Q exchange students

Request an appointment

Kyounghee Lee | Immigration Compliance Specialist

Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising:  Surnames/Family Names P

Request an appointment
Chainey Gao

Qianying (Chainey) Gao | International Student Advisor


Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising: Surnames/Family Names N, O, Q, R, S, T, U V

Request an appointment
Samantha Sodetz

Samantha Sodetz | International Student Advisor

Advising Areas

F-1/J-1 student advising:  Surnames/Family Names W, X, Y, Z

Request an appointment